So much has happened and this week has been crazy. I am trying to figure out how to coexist with many people in my life, with situations that keep happening, with my grief, with my disease and with stressors that just keep jumping in.
My son is graduation this week and all hell has broken loose. Then the power company knocked on the door informing me that the power would be out for a little while and the entire next day. Of course, my inside voice was screaming so loudly that I can't believe he didn't hear it. I kept worrying, worrying over so much.
Then I took a deep breath. The next day, as promised, the power was out bright and early. Since I have been disabled for almost two years now, I tend to watch so much tv. I sat on the sofa and just stared. That wasn't fun. I picked up a book and started reading but it wasn't satisfying me. I got my walker and started pacing around the house.
Ended up in the art inner art freak escaped and it was okay. I finished art swaps that I was working on, a canvas for my daughter, started a canvas for a fundraiser, worked on my Book of Days journal, made some painted papers and sketched some faces for my 29 day face challenge. By the end of the day, I was stained in ink and paints. I realized part way through the day that no power meant no water so my hands had no hope. But it was okay and I loved it. I just sat and did art all day mixed with resting and it was incredible.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Stopping to breathe
Been able to go back to arting which brings allows me to breathe and just take in the moment, the colors.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Just tears.
I seem to be short on people in my life who truly get it. Right now I am reaching out but doors are being slammed because they just don't get it. I need someone to get it.
My first born is graduating next week. Truly, this is a happy, momentous occasion but yet I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. I reach out to friends but all I hear in return is that I should be happy. I am happy. I am proud. But I ache.
Next week, on Mother's Day, I will celebrate my first born's graduation from high school. I will celebrate his going to college and moving on to the next phase of his life. I will celebrate I am a mother of 6 beautiful children. I will also mourn that I only have two children to wrap my arms around. I will mourn that Nora will never see her graduation.
I tire of those who tell me to just push those feelings aside because it is my son's day. A mother cannot push her feelings aside, even my son knows this. I will do my best to be brave and put on a smile but I will hurt. I may even cry.
I am crying now.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Love and Forgiveness
As I was compiling the pages to update, it occurred to me that my most recent work involved love and forgiveness completely by chance. When I work on my Book of Days, it is a process. I work by feeling, the colors are chosen by feeling and nothing more. It has become my most valuable meditative tool.
The top spread was done on a good day. I felt good. I felt alive. I was embracing my new self and enjoying arting. My whole HeART was poured into that page. It makes me feel so joyful seeing it.
I wasn't able to do art for a number of days after that spread but that was okay. I am learning to accept what I can and cannot do. I know I cannot do art every day. Some days art might just consist of the way I wrap the blanket around me or the music I choose to listen to.
As I moved through the weekend, something shifted. The universe started pushing me towards memories and sadness. My father, who I am estranged from, started occupying my mind. As hard as I tried to push these feelings back in their box, they pushed equally hard to get out. By Sunday, I had been able to sit with them but not confront them. During the sermon, forgiveness was mentioned. The gentleman giving the sermon started talking about his estranged father. I was completely blown away and my heart started shaking. Later , this same person wrapped his arm around me and asked me if I needed to forgive someone. Tears started flowing as I shared my story. He told me that I need to forgive and I told him I couldn't do it. I promised to work on it.
Monday rolled around and I was unable to do art again. Spent the day curled up in a blanket watching art videos. As I turned on Effy's Book of Days video, I sat back and was immersed in the art she was beautifully doing. As she approached Friday's spread, the tone became serious and Effy started talking about forgiveness. Seriously universe.... I get it. I watched Effy... I cried.. I cried so hard that my body was shaking. She was so loving , raw and honest. She made me realize its time.
I printed out forgiveness quotes and decided that I am going to art around forgiveness. I am going to be mindful of those I need to forgive, those who hurt me deeply after Nora died, those who hurt my children. Just as I have worked with grief throughout the years, I am going to work with forgiveness. I am going to sit with it, sit with the feelings.
I am not sure how this will work but I do know this. I have been carrying this around for way too long and it hasn't helped me, it hasn't made me a better person. In order to love fully, I must forgive fully. Love equals forgiveness.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Art in the dark
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This started out as beautiful and as my mood became darker, so did the journal page. |
I hear the doctor when she tells me I need to
accept my chronic illness. I don't understand why
I have to accept it. And I sure in the hell don't accept it yet. I don't accept that I have crohn's , nor do I accept I have fibro. I understand I am in pain often and hate it. I miss me.
I am frustrated which in turn is leading to
altercations with family members, mostly
my teenage boy. He and I tend to go at it quite
often but lately I am too tired to fight.
Instead I have been turning on my music
and escaping with paintbrush in hand.
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This would be me embracing my inner darkness. |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Book of Days II
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Book of Days II |
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Due to hand surgery, March has been a wash so I took two spreads one for the beginning was I was feeling hopeful and did the Effy inspired girl and calendar tree. |
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And one where I was feeling quite blue. Added a bunch of elements, crossed off the rest of the month, wrote a personal journal entry under my tags and on to April. |
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A voice for all.. the Iowa CBRS
Eleven years ago, my world was turned upside down. My third child, Nora Elizabeth was born still. I almost died giving birth to her and lost the ability to have any more children. Nora would be my last birth forever. A few weeks after I returned home, after I buried my daughter, I received a death certificate in the mail.
A death certificate. My husband and I didn't understand how you could have a death certificate without a birth certificate. How could someone die if they were never born? I made some calls to the Iowa Department of Public Health. The woman I spoke to said that my child had died but she was never born. I told her I gave birth to Nora the same way I gave birth to my other children. She was quiet but repeated her response.
I did some research. I found the MISS Foundation and learned about the MISSing Angels Bill ( now called the Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth or CBRS). I joined MISS and found out how I could help. I reached out to my congressmen. I wrote letters, I made phone calls, I emailed everyone in my contact list. ( This being the pre-Facebook world) Repeatedly, I was told that this was not going to happen. I was informed that this was not a cause that needed attention. Stillbirths did not need a birth certificate. They were sorry but there was nothing they could do. I was referred back to the IDPH and told that I could have a Commemorative Certificate of Stillbirth. I immediately wrote for one since I needed something, anything that said Nora existed.
Many moms wrote to me. Many moms asked me how they too could have a commemorative certificate. Each mom asked me how they could fight this battle. I told them how they could write to their congressman. I gave them step by step instructions. Nothing happened. I felt defeated.
I continued to help moms and dads. I became a volunteer for the MISS Foundation. I answered each and every email from moms questioning how they could help with the CBRS. In 2003, I started fighting for the bill again. This time, the bill was muddled by the opposition. It became about politics and as hard as I tried, I was shut down. I even received a letter from the Governor stating that this was a slippery slope and that Iowa was not going to be a part of this. Again, I didn't know what to do. I had no Iowa contacts, no idea of what to do next.
As I watched so many states pass the CBRS, I became increasingly frustrated. Despite my continued attempts, I was getting nowhere. I had many conversations over the years with nurses, doctors, social workers. All wanted to see this bill passed but we could not get a sponsor for the bill. In 2008, several of us tried again. The IDPH was getting frustrated with us. We were told once again that the politics surrounding this issue were insurmountable. In 2008, my health was becoming a factor. I tabled the discussion. It seemed impossible.
As 2010 rolled in, I was disabled with a chronic disease. I had much time on my hands , Facebook was an event and I watched Pennsylvania and New York fighting tooth and nail for this bill. I knew I would try again. I contacted the MISS liaison, Daryl and asked him for any tips he might have. I knew that I was not politically savvy but I wanted to try. I needed to do this for Nora and for all the moms , dads, and siblings that had written to me over the years. Unfortunately , my health became an issue that stopped me in my tracks. I was in and out of the hospital and just couldn't do much with this bill.
One day, as I laid in bed, an email popped on my phone. It was from a mom whose daughter had just died. My heart broke for her. She asked me about the bill. She told me about a dream she had to make sure the CBRS gets passed. Her name was Mandy and her precious daughter's name was Melody.
So many thoughts ran through my head. This was a dream that I had. I needed to do this for Nora. I wanted Nora to be proud of me but in my heart, my health was not going to let that happen, nor was my lack of political know-how. Deep down, it was time the torch was passed to Mandy.
And now, 7 months later, Mandy has done an amazing job in getting this bill passed. On Monday, we will all stand next to the Governor while he signs HF2368 Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth. Mandy was able to step in and give families like mine a voice, when no one else would listen for over ten years. She knew how to get the job done and for that I am eternally grateful. For the moms who have written me over the years, for the moms who are reaching out to Mandy now, for Melody, for Nora.
Deep in my heart, I do wish I would have been able to accomplish getting this bill passed. It had been a dream of mine. It was my baby for over ten years. In reality, this bill wasn't about me. The CBRS is for the families of Iowa who have waited far too long to have a birth certificate.
Now, thanks to Mandy, they finally will. Our children will have the voice they so richly deserve.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Breathing in Rainbows
the world toppled upside down
can't breathe
can't focus
suddenly a pause
a bright light
a camera
walking outside
a deep breath
Breathing in Rainbows
Monday, March 19, 2012
Back to Soulful Arting.
I'm back!!! At least for now. I am now able to somewhat use my left hand. I need to get the right hand done but for now, we art.
Yesterday I looked longingly at my art table. Today, I longingly stole another glance at my art table. Caught by my son, he uttered the words, " Mom, you should do art today." Off he went to school and off I went to my art table.
I have several projects that needed attended to, my book of days, and several canvases that have been started but never finished. I managed to do all today, though not at all as I imagined. My hand isn't quite ready for its debut hence there were more than a fair share of dropped paints, dropped paintbrushes, exploding paints, painted hands, feet, legs. I think you get the picture. What used to take me a short time has now expanded into an all day event with plenty of rest in between.
We shall start with my Book of Days in which we are now in Volume II. I am woefully behind and will need to play catch up but that just gives me an excuse to do more art. I chose a cookbook that hasn't been used in years. It seemed to fit the bill perfectly. I am so excited to be arting again. It does my soul good to be able to create beauty, even if most of it is on me.
Yesterday I looked longingly at my art table. Today, I longingly stole another glance at my art table. Caught by my son, he uttered the words, " Mom, you should do art today." Off he went to school and off I went to my art table.
I have several projects that needed attended to, my book of days, and several canvases that have been started but never finished. I managed to do all today, though not at all as I imagined. My hand isn't quite ready for its debut hence there were more than a fair share of dropped paints, dropped paintbrushes, exploding paints, painted hands, feet, legs. I think you get the picture. What used to take me a short time has now expanded into an all day event with plenty of rest in between.
We shall start with my Book of Days in which we are now in Volume II. I am woefully behind and will need to play catch up but that just gives me an excuse to do more art. I chose a cookbook that hasn't been used in years. It seemed to fit the bill perfectly. I am so excited to be arting again. It does my soul good to be able to create beauty, even if most of it is on me.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Oh lovely spring !!
Desperately trying to find joy in everything. Haven't been able to art in days and that is not very joyful. But I have had plenty of moments of joy. My husbands celebration of Valentine's Day with lovely flowers, chocolate and donuts. MMMMMM.... We came home from a doctor's appt to my lovely daughter who arranged candy hearts in love, homemade cards and gifts. The sun has come out..which is lovely. A beautiful cardinal came to visit. This spread is dedicated to Spring and all its loveliness
Monday, February 13, 2012
Joy in Pain
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Today, I felt such joy in making my journal page today. My hands felt okay, my heart was spirited, it was snowing and it was just all good. It was a wonderful day to do a joyful spread.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Just keep Artin'
Disclosure- I am stubborn and I don't learn, I need to repeat constantly.....
It would seem these last few weeks, my hand pain has been is getting harder and harder to get myself to do art. I love doing art so this is breaking my heart...I found out yesterday that I have nerve damage in my hands and feet and possibly neck. Today I found out that I will probably need surgery. I really don't want surgery.
I really don't like how my art looks today.... its just not coming together. I think I am taking the fun out of it...and somehow I need to put the fun back in. I need to just get back to feeling my art....
Maybe I need to go out , scream at the moon, howl in the wind, throw dishes [ Kara =) ] , fucking cuss up a storm and whip some paint around.
On that note... here are my latest altered pages for my book of days ~
It would seem these last few weeks, my hand pain has been is getting harder and harder to get myself to do art. I love doing art so this is breaking my heart...I found out yesterday that I have nerve damage in my hands and feet and possibly neck. Today I found out that I will probably need surgery. I really don't want surgery.
I really don't like how my art looks today.... its just not coming together. I think I am taking the fun out of it...and somehow I need to put the fun back in. I need to just get back to feeling my art....
Maybe I need to go out , scream at the moon, howl in the wind, throw dishes [ Kara =) ] , fucking cuss up a storm and whip some paint around.
On that note... here are my latest altered pages for my book of days ~
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This one is for Effy because I love when she says You Rock My PopTarts I had tried to experiment with water colors, fail. Painted with acrylics, stewart gill and stamps |
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Ode to temper tantrums, Effy and art
Had to force myself to do art today... feel as if all life has been zapped out of me. I know I bitch alot about being sick but it is what it is...I vent. I don't pretend. I don't wear fake masks. There are some days where I can absolutely find joy and love, rainbows and unicorns in the day. And then, here lately it seems often, I feel like the pain has chewed me , swallowed and spit me out. I envision myself this crumpled mess.
It has now been over two years since the doctors first diagnosed me with Crohn's...two years of people telling me I will wake up better, two years of people telling me to pray harder, eat healthier, laugh often, take more pills, take more vitamins, and the list goes on and on. Truthfully, I wonder if all the people telling me to do something to magically cure me is what has kept me from accepting I have a chronic disease. I imagine one day I will get there but for now... I am bitchy. Truly bitchy. In my true two year old self,I am throwing the epic tantrum of all tantrums. I no longer wish to be sick. I want to be cured. At the very least, I want the doctors to listen to me, to help me with the excruciating pain that has become my life. Fuck it.
The one thing that has kept me from jumping off that bridge has been art. She saved my life ten years ago when Nora died and she continues to save my life now. Whether it be photography or mixed media, damn I am having fun. Watching this Book of Days come to life has been better than all the infusions, injections and horrible tasting pills. This actually works to lift my spirits.
I don't know if Effy, the wonderful, glittery soul that started Book of Days realizes how much she has helped each of us. Its like the universe just did its job, and put this amazing sisterhood together at a time when we all needed it the most. For that I am grateful. This Book of Days has helped me push through the pain and the depression and produce something that makes me smile.
And really, in the end, that is all that matters.
It has now been over two years since the doctors first diagnosed me with Crohn's...two years of people telling me I will wake up better, two years of people telling me to pray harder, eat healthier, laugh often, take more pills, take more vitamins, and the list goes on and on. Truthfully, I wonder if all the people telling me to do something to magically cure me is what has kept me from accepting I have a chronic disease. I imagine one day I will get there but for now... I am bitchy. Truly bitchy. In my true two year old self,I am throwing the epic tantrum of all tantrums. I no longer wish to be sick. I want to be cured. At the very least, I want the doctors to listen to me, to help me with the excruciating pain that has become my life. Fuck it.
The one thing that has kept me from jumping off that bridge has been art. She saved my life ten years ago when Nora died and she continues to save my life now. Whether it be photography or mixed media, damn I am having fun. Watching this Book of Days come to life has been better than all the infusions, injections and horrible tasting pills. This actually works to lift my spirits.
I don't know if Effy, the wonderful, glittery soul that started Book of Days realizes how much she has helped each of us. Its like the universe just did its job, and put this amazing sisterhood together at a time when we all needed it the most. For that I am grateful. This Book of Days has helped me push through the pain and the depression and produce something that makes me smile.
And really, in the end, that is all that matters.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Bestie happy mail !!
Today started out with tears and pain. Feelings of failure ran abundant, they actually still do but have been granted a temporary reprieve. Cue knock on the door, car driving away. Mailman with delivery. Happy Mail. Bundle of joyful bliss. Eye candy. What my bestie doesn't realize is that she has given me much more than she realizes. First, she gave me a hug and love by including pictures of three incredible boys. Second, she gave me a gift for my birthday, an exquisite calendar with handpaintings dedicated to friendship complete with handmade card. Third, she doesn't realize this but I hoard colorful, wonderful objects to use in my book of days. I will be able to do such wonderful pieces centered around this gift and that makes me really happy.
But so much more than all of that, she gave me a life raft. She reminded me that I am blessed.
But so much more than all of that, she gave me a life raft. She reminded me that I am blessed.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Art Meditation
Art meditation has been healing for me. This Book of Days has been downright cathartic. Even with the constant pain in my hands, I still find myself drawn to the art , the color, the peace. I sit at my table and just feel. I don't plan, I don't think, I just do. I just am. I listen to my heart... I feel the colors and everything just happens. I am learning to just completely let go and let the art find its way and I am loving it. It makes my spirit soar to allow the art to happen.
My healing Goddess was in full play today. She knows that I want to heal. I am starting to wonder if I need to heal in a different way. She is trying to teach me acceptance of the disease and I am fighting tooth and nail. I want to wake up tomorrow and be healed but instead its just more pain. Goddess of Healing would like me to choose another path. I have to learn this path.. I have to accept this path.
Now comes the hard part.
My healing Goddess was in full play today. She knows that I want to heal. I am starting to wonder if I need to heal in a different way. She is trying to teach me acceptance of the disease and I am fighting tooth and nail. I want to wake up tomorrow and be healed but instead its just more pain. Goddess of Healing would like me to choose another path. I have to learn this path.. I have to accept this path.
Now comes the hard part.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Wrinkled life
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
42 and counting
These days feel like I am on the downward spiral of life. I know that sounds depressing but its honest, and its how I feel. With all the meds and all the physical problems, I don't know how long I will live or the quality of life I will have. For that reason, I am completely aware of my birthday..completely aware of being alive today.
My book of days spread for yesterday and today are two different mindsets. Yesterday I was having an Eeyore kind of day. I was mopey, depressed, very sad and didn't want to leave my blankets. I, indeed, felt as though my tail had fallen off. I slept most of the day then I went to bed early.
Today has been different... been happier.... I have had much love showered upon me and I am blessed.
My book of days spread for yesterday and today are two different mindsets. Yesterday I was having an Eeyore kind of day. I was mopey, depressed, very sad and didn't want to leave my blankets. I, indeed, felt as though my tail had fallen off. I slept most of the day then I went to bed early.
Today has been different... been happier.... I have had much love showered upon me and I am blessed.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Make time to play
Today was Monday's Book of Days Spread...I wasn't going to let my pain get to me so I decided to do a tip-in using an incredibly inspiring piece of art from my dear friend, MotherHenna. I have received new distress inks and I had to use them. I am happy with how it turned out, I even distressed MotherHenna's piece of art and love how it makes it look coffee stained...
I must remember to play.
I must remember to play.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Just Be
Recent turns in friends' lives have prompted me to be rather vocal which has in turned sparked a debate. I believe that us, as a human race, should be more compassionate, more empathetic. When a person has an internal struggle and chooses to share it, in my most humble opinion, I feel we should just listen. We should allow them to be , just be. Whether it be sadness, anger, happiness, angst...just let them be. Don't tell them to count their blessings, be grateful for what they have or it could be worse. Just hold their hand, listen to their heart and just let them be.
My mood has been all over the place. Art has certainly helped me get through some dark times. Off my soapbox and onto my Book of Days....much love to everyone.
My mood has been all over the place. Art has certainly helped me get through some dark times. Off my soapbox and onto my Book of Days....much love to everyone.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Finding spunk through pain
I have said it.. I have screamed it.. my friends know..hell people who don't know me know it.. I am fucking sick of this pain. I understand I have a disease. I have accepted that but this is ridiculous. We are in the year 2012, pain should be controlled and if its not, your doctor isn't doing something right.
Ugg...well the pain was prominent, is prominent...thankfully my hubby got me out of the house and we went to Menards, midwest home store. I need to use a wheelchair when I am out and my son finds great fun in pushing me, ummmmm zooming me around stores.
My eye caught the paint supply department and of course my artist heart went nuts. They have packing tape in colors. COLORS. PRINTS. This is so freaking cool. I decided to do my Book of Days spread in this tape. My hands hurt so it didn't turn out like I would have liked it but I love the tape and that is all that matters today.
All in all.. a good weekend.. My Patriots won. I rested a good deal . I did some art. Laughed with my hubby and kids. Laughed at the dogs. Got snarky with the Golden Globes. Saw Johnny Depp on the award show. Great weekend despite the pain.
Without further ado... monday spread.
Ugg...well the pain was prominent, is prominent...thankfully my hubby got me out of the house and we went to Menards, midwest home store. I need to use a wheelchair when I am out and my son finds great fun in pushing me, ummmmm zooming me around stores.
My eye caught the paint supply department and of course my artist heart went nuts. They have packing tape in colors. COLORS. PRINTS. This is so freaking cool. I decided to do my Book of Days spread in this tape. My hands hurt so it didn't turn out like I would have liked it but I love the tape and that is all that matters today.
All in all.. a good weekend.. My Patriots won. I rested a good deal . I did some art. Laughed with my hubby and kids. Laughed at the dogs. Got snarky with the Golden Globes. Saw Johnny Depp on the award show. Great weekend despite the pain.
Without further ado... monday spread.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
80's Glam
Duran Duran, Van Halen, Tears for Fears, stirrup pants, big hair...the list goes on and on. As an 80's girl, and one whose inner child still resides inside of her...well I couldn't resist the new 80's glam Sharpie Markers. I was so excited to see the vibrant colors. Made me want to get out my cassette tapes and jump around.
These days, Crohn's is stopping me from physically jumping but my inner child was all over this... I had my music going, both on my phone and in my head... and sat down with my Book of Days. I was also psyched about my new glitter paint...wonderful wonderful heartful art supplies...makes me happy.
I used watercolors, glitter paint, pencils to sketch my glam girl and the new sharpies to color her in. I know I am on my downhill spin, so I went ahead and cheated. I used a tip in for tomorrows spread. I had to use the Sharpie material because it was so damn cool.... I glittered it up, wrote down some reflections. I also took the time to prepare some future pages since I know my injection day is coming up..but you can bet I will be thinking of my book of days every day...even when I am sleeping !!
These days, Crohn's is stopping me from physically jumping but my inner child was all over this... I had my music going, both on my phone and in my head... and sat down with my Book of Days. I was also psyched about my new glitter paint...wonderful wonderful heartful art supplies...makes me happy.
I used watercolors, glitter paint, pencils to sketch my glam girl and the new sharpies to color her in. I know I am on my downhill spin, so I went ahead and cheated. I used a tip in for tomorrows spread. I had to use the Sharpie material because it was so damn cool.... I glittered it up, wrote down some reflections. I also took the time to prepare some future pages since I know my injection day is coming up..but you can bet I will be thinking of my book of days every day...even when I am sleeping !!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Hazards of Mosaic....and lots of laughter
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Learning to mosaic today....I had my head bent down so long gluing pieces that I didn't see this guy latch on...LOL.. hazards of arting. I was laughing so hard .. |
Monday, January 9, 2012
Book of Days first week
This was my first go at this... and well still don't have the hang of it...markers smeared, ink was ruined...LOL..learning day |
Thursday, January 5, 2012
BOD- inside cover and new year spread
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