Monday, January 9, 2012

Book of Days first week

This was my first go at this... and well still don't have the
hang of it...markers smeared, ink was ruined...LOL..learning day 
Well this was just the day from hell... couldn't get anything
blended...felt awful.. tried to have a good day but turns out
you can't make yourself have a good day. Today I spilled gesso
down the wall..lit part of my book on fire and lost a cap to the
alcohol inks...oi vey... bad day.

Today was a good day and I am happy. Today is my grandmom's
92nd birthday..she taught me spunk, she gave me spirit, she taught
me to fight when the world keeps kicking you.... she is my hero. I
miss her so much every day...this funny..she is dressed as a
flapper, smoking a cigarette , showing leg... it was her signature grandmom.. the original spunk girl.


Effy said...

I'm so glad you pushed through the hard days and found some ease! I'm loving watching your book unfold! xo

Michelle Jaramillo said...

Here from Book of Days! I love how your book is coming together, so much fun! Thanks for sharing it! I'm following you!

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Wonderful, Christine!! I looooove that photo of your gram -- what a great playful stance. And woo hoo woo hoo, you pushed on thru the practice and got to the play part with the blending and coloring and all! It looks just lovely! xoxooxxo

Christine said...

Thanks so much.... I am loving this.