Monday, January 16, 2012

Finding spunk through pain

I have said it.. I have screamed it.. my friends know..hell people who don't know me know it.. I am fucking sick of this pain. I understand I have a disease. I have accepted that but this is ridiculous. We are in the year 2012, pain should be controlled and if its not, your doctor isn't doing something right.

Ugg...well the pain was prominent, is prominent...thankfully my hubby got me out of the house and we went to Menards, midwest home store. I need to use a wheelchair when I am out and my son finds great fun in pushing me, ummmmm zooming me around stores.

My eye caught the paint supply department and of course my artist heart went nuts. They have packing tape in colors. COLORS. PRINTS. This is so freaking cool. I decided to do my Book of Days spread in this tape. My hands hurt so it didn't turn out like I would have liked it but I love the tape and that is all that matters today.

All in all.. a good weekend.. My Patriots won. I rested a good deal .  I did some art. Laughed with my hubby and kids. Laughed at the dogs. Got snarky with the Golden Globes. Saw Johnny Depp on the award show. Great weekend despite the pain.

Without further ado... monday spread.


Carolyn Dube said...

Great spread! Be very careful - that tape is addictive - soon you'll need it every pattern/color available. Maybe even start hunting online for funky ones - oh, can you tell I like that tape too?!

Rita said...

I just discovered the funky tapes online last week. They do look like fun!

I am sick of pain, too. Sometimes you just are sick of feeling sick all the time.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow. :)