Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to Soulful Arting.

I'm back!!! At least for now. I am now able to somewhat use my left hand. I need to get the right hand done but for now, we art.
Yesterday I looked longingly at my art table. Today, I longingly stole another glance at my art table. Caught by my son, he uttered the words, " Mom, you should do art today." Off he went to school and off I went to my art table.
I have several projects that needed attended to, my book of days, and several canvases that have been started but never finished. I managed to do all today, though not at all as I imagined. My hand isn't quite ready for its debut hence there were more than a fair share of dropped paints, dropped paintbrushes, exploding paints, painted hands, feet, legs. I think you get the picture. What used to take me a short time has now expanded into an all day event with plenty of rest in between.
We shall start with my Book of Days in which we are now in Volume II. I am woefully behind and will need to play catch up but that just gives me an excuse to do more art. I chose a cookbook that hasn't been used in years. It seemed to fit the bill perfectly. I am so excited to be arting again. It does my soul good to be able to create beauty, even if most of it is on me.

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