Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oh lovely spring !!

Desperately trying to find joy in everything. Haven't been able to art in days and that is not very joyful. But I have had plenty of moments of joy. My husbands celebration of Valentine's Day with lovely flowers, chocolate and donuts. MMMMMM.... We came home from a doctor's appt to my lovely daughter who arranged candy hearts in love, homemade cards and gifts. The sun has come out..which is lovely. A beautiful cardinal came to visit. This spread is dedicated to Spring and all its loveliness


Peaceful/Paisible said...

hello sweetheart, I hope joy will come to your day ...I got the address of your blog trough Book of days...that's very nice around you...a funny story, the first time my son went to Paris, at the airport he had a look around him and said: "it's ugly over here, there're no corn fields" !!! he was five...
so I love your place, when you feel sad, hold our hands, the group is to support you...
love from the west of France

Sue M said...

I love your BOD work - and hope that you are feeling ok now - you are light years ahead of me with this project, and you are an inspiration!

Christine said...

Thank you both so much for your inspiring comments... it brings me so much joy to be able to share my art. Thank you for stopping by!!!