Wednesday, November 9, 2011

AEDM November Day 9

This actually happened last night. I can't quite describe it....but wow was it fun. I have certainly learned that art should be fun, a source of  joy, of energy...I sat down with my art and just had fun.... It was funny because I didn't see the face right away until I put the zipper mouth on... and I fell in love with her.


Carolyn Dube said...

The fun shows! Glad it was a great night for you!

TammyVitale said...

I love when the whimsical just shows up! I think you're on the right track when you say "art should be fun" - the best things always show up when I'm playing. What a great piece! And thanks for visiting over my way! (I don't know that I could take cornfields in exchange for big bodies of water. I'm such a coast person!)

Christine said...

Thanks Carolyn and Tammy...

Tammy...there are so many days where I am truly missing my ocean...I do love it out here... the corn is amazing to watch, the way the fields turn colors with the seasons..the sky that is everywhere, the full harvest moon watching over the corn not yet down...but you are right... the ocean is where I felt at home, at peace. I do miss it terribly.