Tuesday, November 8, 2011

AEDM November Day 8

This started out as a photograph I took while on a day trip to John Wayne's birthplace. The replica of the old western town drew me in. I absolutely love walking back through time. I can always just take a moment and envision how life must have been during the that time. I could imagine me with  my day dress going to the general store and picking up some needed items. And of course, I would have purchased this luxurious Chocolate Cream Coffee.
The photography was done using different filters and adding a texture layer. I struggled today. I wish with all my  heart I could learn how to merge, layer, texturize, etc. but I seem to have this block in my brain.I have paintshop pro and for three hours and many tutorials , I worked with it. Gave up and used picnik. I am not proud I did but I just don't get it. I feel like algebra all over again... my tutor ,many years ago, would tell me I had this stubborn block. Apparently it has moved to image manipulation. I admit... I am insanely jealous of all of you that do AMAZING work with photographs and drawings.
But not to fear... I continue to say inspired... with other things.


Anonymous said...

I have Paintshop pro too! I love it, but it is time consuming! I take all of my pics with my iphone and I have a favorite app that I use that I love, love, love and you don't have to spend all of the time messing around with layers! (I blogged about the app yesterday as part of my AEDM blog). :-) Of course, unless you like spending time doing it! LOL The Chocolate Creme Coffee has me drooling! :-) Kris

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Chocolate and art -- it doesn't get any better, Love!!!! You did a great job with the alterations on this -- the aging of it and all... wonderful! xoxooxoxxooxx

Carolyn Dube said...

Your photo has a great look to it - I don't think it matters where/how you did it - you did it!

Christine said...

I definitely have my own hang ups which get in the way.. I am trying but I am my worst critic.

thanks so much.. I do like how this turned out.

sweet limes said...

I agree that it doesn't matter how you edit your photos. You did a great job and I think it turned out amazing no matter how it got like that.

B @ Sweet Limes

Katie Jeanne Wood said...

I started using Photoshop about ten years ago, and it drove me crazy. I thought I'd never learn..and I still only know what I know, if you know what I mean. It is a complicated program. Stick with it, and I'm sure you'll learn what you need to. It will get easier.

Jennibellie said...

Lol great post but I had to giggle at your algebra comment - so many things to me still seem like algebra so I wouldn't worry your photo looks fantastic regardless. Thanks for sharing, much love, Jennibellie xx