Thursday, November 3, 2011

AEDM November Day 3

I am not an artist. I am not even close to having the talent I am seeing on the blogs I admit I am struggling with so many issues right now. I did sign up to the Art Every Day but after perusing the blogs, I am blown away by what I am seeing. I know I am mainly into photography but really am trying to branch out and explore other avenues. The last three days have given me pause. What am I doing? Is this art? Obviously what I am looking at with the other participants is art, incredible beautiful art. Mine sometimes looks like a first grader. But that being said, I really don't want to stop. Being sick, has taken away much of what I look forward to.  I am confined to my house every day. So having a goal each day, attempting to do any little bit of art I can gives me a feeling of accomplishment so I have to rethink my thinking.
With that being said, today I have a fair amount of pain so I was limited. I picked up my sketch book and just started playing with the pastels...just filling the paper with colors... but a sad face emerged, then tears followed. So I just went with it. Scanned it and played with photo editing and put the brick wall behind my face...This is exactly how I am feeling right now. 


Julie Jordan Scott said...

It is beautiful~ and I hope you will keep participating. I feel wayyyy undertalented compared to others, but I've been hanging out here for the past three years and I have managed to develop new skills by just trying new stuff. Sometimes my work DOES look more... ummm... rustic? or... undone...

If you want to see my AEDM post for today, visit here!

Tracey FK said...

you sooo have to keep at this... the spirit is to just do something every day and see where it leads... I am trying to stretch what I do and show different sides of my art and my life and it is scary at times... but it is fun to be part of it and I am glad you are part of that fun xx

Anonymous said...

Photography is art! I hope you can just enjoy beauty, creativity and art in all it's forms with others without the need to compare or measure up in some way. I'm sorry to hear about your pain. Try to let go of the critic and enjoy yourself in whatever you choose to create.
Happy AEDM :).
Stay inspired!

Terrie said...

Wise words from all three of the previous ladies. I too don't claim the title artist - I claim "art attempter" or "art experimenter". I've found the blogging art community to be so supportive and encouraging and unfailingly responsive.

I actually think your face on the bricks is quite creative and unexpected. Each of us does what we can for that day, and that's good enough. If you enjoy the process, occasionally enjoy the result (we hope!), enjoy the interaction with other bloggers, then it's worth every minute we invest.

Stay creative - in whatever form!

Anonymous said...

I hope you will continue, I think you'll be happy if you do. I really like your face on the bricks, it's very touching.

april nance said...

I feel like when we can express how we are feeling we have created art, and so much power is in the process. And you have (artfully) done this. Your truthfulness and mixed media sketch are inspiring - open and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Christine said...

I am so touched by all of you....thank you. I am a very harsh self critic. And yes I do compare, its a problem. I promise to keep this up. Really just thank you so much....what amazing people you are!!

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

I just love you. I love your art heart...I love your art...keep going, Christine, Love! And don't go surfing thru AEDM blogs before your own art making time each day -- when I look first, it totally shuts me down coz I think I suck, too! So I make art first... Only after I post my art for the day...then I browse :) oxoxoxoxoxox just so you know you aren't alone. You are doing art for your heart, I know it... Sending you Reiki as always!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I hopped around your blog today and landed here in the cradle of the other wise worded ones who have been lifting you up. I am inspired by your stick-to-itivness. Even though your inner critic keeps poking its head into your art sessions, you bravely push on. We create every day, whether we are part of an AEDM challenge or not. Can't separate creativity from life. The art is a way of practicing that life making thing we do in a very concentrated manner. It gives us the opportunity to hear the critic so that we can learn to create even when it is around. If we can do that, the sky is the limit. You are doing it.

Christine said...

I am just beyond words.. the support, the incredible words of wisdom... it makes me want to go on...the joy I am feeling makes me want to go on...thank you so much... all of you.