Saturday, November 26, 2011

AEDM November 26

Christmas is my favorite holiday next to Halloween.... I love the decorations.  I love going to Goodwill and finding some unique decoration and giving it a new home. Today my  hubby decided that Abby and I needed to get out of the house so Goodwill felt like the perfect place. I found several pieces to add to our holiday collections.. but I also found a 8x10 wood picture that was screaming for gesso.

I gesso'd the wood and sketched out the  snowman. Used acrylics and some cottonballs..really enjoyed doing this piece. I am hoping to continue doing art daily as it has become extremely therapeutic. I am so grateful to AEDM and how it really gave me the push I  needed.

Love to all of you...I have so enjoyed your blogs... thank you so much!!!!!


Rita said...

Yes, AEDM has been inspirational. I am so glad I joined, too. Have met a lot of wonderful people, too.

Cute snowman! I hope to keep up with my new art medium adventures, too, after November. Maybe not every day, though--LOL! ;)

Anonymous said...


Cute Snowman! Love how his hat droops! :-) So cute! Thanks for visiting my blog! :-)