Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Photo truths

It just takes a single photo challenge to remind a person how chronically ill they are. This week, I have been seeing everyone share and challenge each other to take photos of every day life, with no people or explanation. I love anything that is a photo challenge and gladly started. Took a picture of the coffee table in front of me. Next day, took a photo of my puppy sitting on my leg. Next day took a picture of the pillow that I was laying down on. 

Next day, as I still was unable to move very much, I took a picture of the curtains behind me. And then it hit me, this is my life. Each photo I took showed a facet of my life being disabled.  This photo challenge illuminated the life that I live when I am in a severe flare. I have been unable to do much for a month now. The chronic pain in my joints from crohn's arthritis and fibro have made it impossible to move. The pain itself has made it impossible to think coherently. I have felt like I am in this constant webbing that I am forever trying to pull off just so that I can see clearly. The pain in my body makes me move like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz, only there is no wizard that will give me pain free movement.

It's during these days where I find it damn near impossible to be creative. However, when the days become weeks and the weeks become months I start hungering for different ways to spark some creativity. In the end, I am glad I decided to do the photo challenge, even if it did highlight a hard truth of my chronically ill life.

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