Monday, December 5, 2011

Creative December - Day 5

This piece was a slightly bit unusual for me...
I never set out to do anything particular
Feelings determine the color
Mood determines the medium
Pain determines the type of canvas
The other day I was angry
A red and purple anger
Finished the canvas
It stared at me
and stared at me
I had nothing
Just red and purple anger
until last night
I saw a tree
sketched the tree
softened the tree and the anger
who knows...
maybe there is more to this story.


Rita said...

Sorry you are feeling angry. I hope it has softened much by now. Painting must help. Looks good!

carol l mckenna said...

Like the tree ~ symbolic of 'grounding' and helps to vent emotions with our art ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy CED ^_^

Gwen said...

I hope you feel happier soon. Art can certainly help...keep your chin up :)

pauline said...

red and purple anger are ok now & then...
Glad to see that you gave it a voice with painting. Much healthier to work through the anger than try to avoid it. And see what happens? This beautiful tree is born out of the red & purple... :-)
happy CED...

Tracey FK said...

much healthier to take your anger out on a canvas... I tend to work in the garden and we have some very oddly shaped trees thanks to angry pruning.... this time to the year is so good for the nerves isn't it... looking forward to seeing the tree emerge out of all this...xx