Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First last and in between.

Freshman year, Senior year, start of school year, backpacks, tears, pictures. First day of school is never easy. This year was particularly hard. My baby boy is graduating this year. My girl is entering high school this year. And of course.... in the shadows of the day lingers the memory of the little girl that would be in fifth grade.

Capturing the events of the morning, watching each movement, trying to remember all of this and attempting not to cry. It was not easy. Even Ellie, our lab, was crying.

I am extremely proud of both kids. Corey, my son, is going premed in college. Abby is still undecided but leaning towards the engineer field. We aren't partial to any field. We just want them to be kind and loving adults with lives that fulfill them. I just want them to be happy. It may sound cliche but its the truth.

It will be a long day.


loribeth said...

The first day of school is often a difficult one for me, too. My Katie would have started Grade 7 last year (jr high) & that was tough. She'd be going into Grade 8 this fall.

I collect Boyds Bears figurines, and around the time she would have been starting Grade 1, I found one of a little girl bear heading off to school with some books in a bookstrap. Of course I HAD to buy it. ; ) It made me feel better somehow to mark that milestone.

Christine said...

Oh Loribeth, that is so bittersweet. Much love to you.