Mother Henna had a post on her blog about scribbling to self assess. It was the perfect time to start this exercise. I have been sick for almost two weeks now and really felt the need to do this. I sat down with my sketchbook and a charcoal pencil and closed my eyes. Just felt the paper and the pencil. At first there was so much anger flowing through my hand but as time moved on, I could feel my hand slowing down and moving to a slow rhythm. At some point , I felt done so I opened my eyes; tore the piece of paper out and turned it, twisted it and saw several shapes jump out of me. I took my color pastels and outlined three distinct shapes, the equilateral cross which is the symbol of our church, the heart , and the loop which looks like an 8. After , I took lots of different color pastels and just followed the lines. For a moment I was lost in the colors and the movement. I softened the colors , scanned it and then digitally enhanced the photo and the above is the result.
For me, this assessment revealed several things. The equilateral cross seems to be the most vivid which for me reveals that I am getting back to where I need to be spiritually, and possibly need to trust my faith more when it comes to my health. The loop represents the constant struggle.. I think its shows the good and bad side of my health and how I just keep going round and round. The heart is the love I have and the love I receive from others. When I digitally enhanced it, it turned into a rainbow of beautiful colors which reminds me of Nora.
I look forward to repeating this exercise tomorrow to see what the scribbling reveals.
Wow, Christine, this is so interesting. I love that it turned to rainbow colors when you digitized it, too. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would it be okay with you if I go back into my original prompt posts and add a link to share your heART there? If not, that's okay. Just wanted to ask though as it's so very illustrative of exactly how the prompt works for me, too, when I use it! Thanks much much -- and sending you love and good vibes! miracles, k-
thanks Kara... it was fun..your prompt got me motivated and than I couldn't stop doing art today..
oh and yes you can.. i tried to but I don't think I did it right so feel free to post away..
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