My latest flare had me severely sick and unable to leave the house. I did not care to post on Facebook and just stayed in bed, binge watching television with my daughter. I really do not feel as if anyone missed me or cared. No one called. No one emailed. Though extremely selfish, I guess I felt that no one really cared, or even realized I was not on any social media. After two weeks of being sick and hearing crickets, I made a decision. I deactivated my Facebook account.
It has been weird to leave Facebook. My daughter and son questioned me on how I will survive without obtaining the news and memes, and latest viral videos. My daughter asked how I will stay in touch with people. I find it odd that Facebook almost seems like a life requirement. Admittedly, in the last year, my Facebook has felt less like a joy, and more like a place filled with hate, racism, bashing, and mocking. I am not sure I am missing it all that much.
I am not sure how life will be without the ability to connect so easily. Friendships will more than likely be lost. I am not sure why I am not reaching out. I guess I want people to miss me which is entirely selfish. Maybe with all this free time, I need to reevaluate myself. And that is okay.